Not a very good day
but it will be okay
Should we pray ?!
or just play
I am going to stay
resist not running away
and I am sure
may be not today but one day
it will be OKAY
Not a very good day
Think about it ! Waking up everymorning, turning on the radio , listening to all the chaos which is going on all around us , heating up the kettle , having a cup of tea or coffee (for coffee no sugar ,a little bit milk) toasted bread with butter and jam , getting ready to leave home and finally leaving home . Running for the bus ...Catching it is like a huge achievement !! Getting a newspaper ... Reading the headlines ... Right to the gossip page ..Celebrities one ... Laughing at the pathetic articles ...Wondering who is going to read these crap !!?? Well , I know at least one (ME!) .. Being at work ...8 hours there .. .Going to the gym .. Watching TV ... Having dinner ... Kissing her .... Life is beautiful ..Yeah think about it !